How do planners put on a multi-venue, hybrid event? From April 29 to May 3, 2021, The Aesthetic Society hosted the first major medical meeting-- "The Aesthetic Meeting 2021" at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach, FL.The ultimate goal of the meeting was to bring together plastic surgeons from all across the country for in-person education in a safe manner.

To date, no attendees have confirmed or announced contraction of COVID-19 following the meeting.

In Miami Beach, the team followed COVID-19 safety guidelines in the Aesthetic Marketplace, educational sessions, meetings, and receptions. With these protocols in place, we were able to successfully conduct the first major medical meeting since the pandemic began, while delivering on our traditional high meeting standards.

For those who were not able to join in Miami Beach, The Aesthetic Society provided a virtual streaming option. This dynamic approach empowered members with a choice for their access to world-class education and the opportunity to reunite safely with fellow surgeons and our industry representatives.

Participation by industry representatives and partners proved critical to the success of the meeting. Their support and belief that planners could produce a safe event enabled them to showcase the latest in products and services. Feedback included praise for the meaningful conversations on the part of both exhibitors and surgeons.

Safety Measures & Wellness Screening Protocols:

  • Daily health questionnaire via text
  • Wellness check upon entering the building, including temperature monitoring, for all attendees, staff, and vendors
  • Masks required except when eating or drinking
  • Physical distancing room sets
  • Hand sanitizer stations throughout the meeting and exhibit space
  • Contact tracing procedures
  • Audio-Visual safety measures for use of microphones and equipment

COVID-19 Testing:
The Miami Beach Convention Center provided a walk-up testing site open seven days a week with options for both the Antigen Rapid Test as well as the PCR Test for those who needed a negative test for travel home.

By the Numbers:

  • In-person paid registrant attendance was adjusted to a limit of 750

    • Actual In Person 714
    • Virtual 515
    • 119 Exhibiting Companies
    • 155,335 Gross space used in Halls AB
    • 972 Exhibitor Representatives
  • Daily Wellness Screening

    • 89% of people answered "yes" when asked if they were fully vaccinated for COVID-19
    • proof of vaccination was not required 
  • The average number of people in the building per day: 807 (includes attendees, exhibitors, and staff)
  • 2,400 group room nights were sold at local contracted hotels, a post cut-off wash of 10% with known occupancy of more than 50 room nights 
  • Spectra Management Employed 250 people, Freeman Expo and AV over 200, as well as an estimated 300 from the other local service providers
  • Hosted seven social events at 6 different locations
  • Numerous industry hosted events and dinners throughout the city