ALHI and The Code are here to help you get the resources YOU need to help identify trafficking in our industry.
The International Labor Organization estimates that there are over 40 million victims globally, 1 in 4 victims is a child. Victims are sold in the sex industry across the world, often in hotels.
Here we break down the top indicators for spotting trafficking in the hospitality realm.
General Sex Trafficking Indicators
- Pays for the room in cash for one day at a time
- Escorts various men into the room and lingers until they leave, watching the door
- Seen with many young persons or children exhibiting signs of trafficking
- Requests for isolated, private rooms, or rooms close to an exit
- Does not leave the victim alone
- Continuously receiving and making calls from their cellphone
General Labor Trafficking Indicators
- Disoriented, confused, lacking sleep or showing signs of mental abuse
- Not in possession of passports or identity documents
- Fearful or timid of authority figures, may avoid eye contact
- Afraid of revealing their immigration status
- Wear the same attire or have few belongings
- Unable to communicate freely
- Malnourished, injuries at different stages of healing, and/or lack of medical care
Behaviors of Exploiter
- Speaks for victim
- Pays in cash or with prepaid card one day at a time
- Request room with access to exits
- Seen with many young women or men exhibiting signs of trafficking
- Uses inappropriate nicknames with victim
Behaviors of Victim
- Dressed inappropriately for age or weather
- Little or no luggage
- Seems disoriented
- Does not speak freely
If you suspect trafficking here is what you do!
Assess the situation and immediately contact the manager on duty. Make note of:
- Date and time of suspected incident
- Description of individuals include tattoos, physical identifiers, hair color, approximate age, etc
- Any names or nicknames overheard
- Summary of the situation that prompted the report
- Vehicle information overall description and details such as license plate number
You should never get directly involved in a potential trafficking situation. Do not confront the victim or the trafficker.