Meetings Your Way at Miramonte Resort & Spa
Select 1 benefits package from the 3 options listed below with Group Rates Starting at $239.
Option 1
- $3 rebate back to the master account for each paid room night included in the group block
- 12% commission back instead of standard 10%
- $25 credit for retail purchases for each guest from the WELL Spa
Option 2
- Complimentary 1 hour beer and wine reception (value not to be included in F&B)
- Complimentary round trip airport transfers for up to 8 people
- Reduced resort fee of $25 from $35
Option 3
- 2 complimentary cabanas for group use
- 4 VIP massage treatments at the WELL Spa (50-minute facial or massage)
- 15% discount on in house A/V
Terms & Conditions: Meeting must be booked between the dates of 10/1/22 and 5/30/23 and meeting must take place between the dates of 1/1/23 and 5/30/23. Promotion is valid for new bookings only. Based on availability of meeting space and guest rooms at the time of booking. Group rates starting at $239.