Part 3 of a 3-part series

Carolina Campanella, VP of Consumer & Behavioral Insights at Delos, shares strategies for how to bring nature inside when it’s cold outside. Delos is a leading wellness brand which launched the Delos Wellness Certificate for Meetings & Events.

Exposure to nature has been shown to reduce stress, increase mood and recovery from mental fatigue, and boost cognitive performance, all of which lead to a productive meeting, according to Delos.

In warmer months, it may make sense to hold breakout sessions in a garden courtyard or on a breezy terrace. But during the winter months, you can bring nature inside to help promote productivity.

“Add indoor greenery in the form of indoor plants, pictures and posters of nature to both meeting areas and informal gathering areas,” said Carolina Campanella, VP of Consumer & Behavioral Insights at Delos.

While beach murals or photos of snow-kissed mountains might immediately come to mind, representations of nature do not need to be literal. Simply using nature analogues such as colors, patterns, shapes, and materials that evoke nature can also improve mood, Campanella said.

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“In situations where there is more flexibility in furniture options, consider chairs and tables that are curved in shape and are made from natural materials like wood as these items share similarities with elements found in nature,” she said. “Artwork that includes patterns and colors found in nature can help as well.”

One more thing: The beneficial effects of nature are not limited to what we can see. Consider playing looping nature sounds in quiet areas, allowing meeting attendees brief moments of respite during a busy schedule, Campanella added.

Alternatively, consider providing attendees with free codes to wellness apps which feature audio naturescapes that they can listen to during down time, Delos suggests.

It’s also a smart idea to create break and meeting areas near windows, Campanella said, allowing meeting attendees to increase their exposure to natural light, which can help both sync circadian clocks for better sleep at night in addition to improving mood.

Part 1: How Can Meeting Planners Help Boost Attendees’ Mood During the Winter?

Part 2: How Business Travelers Can Combat SAD


Learn more about the Delos Wellness Certificate for Meetings & Events.