Meeting and event industry leaders share with ALHI Insider their aspirations for 2023.

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Rob Adams, President & Owner, Bishop-McCann

What book would you like to read by the end of 2023?

Atomic Habits by James Clear. (The book is a comprehensive, practical guide on how to change your habits and get 1% better every day. Using a framework called the Four Laws of Behavior Change, Atomic Habits teaches readers a simple set of rules for creating good habits and breaking bad ones.)

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Colleen Bisconti, Vice President, Events and Experiences, IBM

What do you think your biggest risk will be?

In our business there are always risks but as event marketers what I love is that taking risks is in our DNA. One of the biggest challenges moving forward is ensuring we really understand the current environment and calculate our risks accordingly. Increased cost for F&B and resources, decreasing travel budgets across organizations and more acceptance of the 'ah maybe we can just do this digitally' mentality have to factor into our planning.  The calculated risks we need to take depend on a deeper understanding of our desired attendees, how to better build the best experience and new thinking on how to extend the relationships after the face-to-face experience.   

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Michael Dominguez, President & CEO, Associated Luxury Hotels International

What are you most optimistic about in 2023?

I am most optimistic that the demand we have seen for in-person meetings and the engagement with these opportunities will make the world a little brighter and much more connected. I am hopeful that we will never take the opportunity to hug, laugh and love for granted in the future.

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Mark Engle, DM, FASAE, Association Management Center

At the end of the year, how would you like your life to be transformed?

My life would be wonderfully transformed if we each exhibited a greater amount of peace and patience in the world with one another, starting with me.

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Geoff Freeman, President and CEO, U.S. Travel Association

What do you want to explore, learn or see more of in 2023?

In 2023, it’s all about learning how we can provide greater value to the industry during a time of economic pressures, changes in consumer behavior (particularly among business travelers) and underlying challenges like a workforce shortage. The industry has its work cut out for it and it is U.S. Travel's aim to be the No. 1 resource when it comes to increasing demand. 

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Peggy Fritz, Event Services Supervisor, Toyota North America

What activities would you like to add to your routine to help you manage your stress this year?

Many know me as over-caffeinated. I tend to rise at 5 a.m., and go, go, go … brew coffee (decaf!), walk the dog, head to the gym, take on the day. It’s robotic.  In 2023, I plan to be more intentional at the start of my day, taking the first 10-15 minutes to meditate, pray and express my gratitude. Purposeful chats with God and breathing will help me manage stress and keep me centered. Admittedly, it will not be easy to get up and then immediately be still, yet I know this new rhythm will pay dividends.

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Elizabeth Heron, CEO & Founder, OrangeDoor

What is one change you could make to your lifestyle that would give you more peace in 2023?

To be kind to myself and give myself permission to stop; learning when to stop and let it go in my personal life and professional life. Taking time to breath and think. We all work at such a pace we forget to reflect and think.

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Al Hutchinson, President & CEO, Visit Baltimore

How would you like to positively influence the life of a colleague in 2023?

I believe where my leadership can be most impactful for my team in 2023 is to find ways to assist them with their mental wellness. With so many things coming at our teams from the pandemic, the increase in destination violence, changes in federal legislation and tourism budget cuts, I truly believe people are struggling with how to balance it all. With that said, I believe leaders have an opportunity to deeply listen to our teammates and provide our teams with tools and training opportunities that focus on emotional intelligence and personal mental awareness. The better we are at taking care of our minds and bodies, the better we will become at being life-long productive citizens.

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Tina Madden, CPA, CEO, Meetings & Incentives Worldwide, Inc.

What would you like to be your biggest triumph by the end of the year?

When I think of hopes for 2023, my focus is on a more global scale. I hope that the economy proves to be resilient, I hope that we can all persist on a path to wellness, and I certainly hope that this industry that I have so much love for continues to find meaningful ways to impact sustainability and DEI-B (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging).

My aspirations are on a more local scale. For the past few years, M&IW has been intentionally focused on elevating our organization in everything we do by driving solutions through unified and laser-focused service excellence. We aspire to continue to instill a world class mindset through every aspect of the organization.

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Ana Maria Viscasillas, MBA, CDME, DES, CED, President & Chief Visionary, Business Tourism Services, and Board of Directors, Events Industry Council

What advice would you like to give yourself as you begin the New Year?

Many Ps for a Phenomenal Year with Purpose! There are many opportunities and trends reflecting globally for 2023 on our meeting and business event industry. Reflecting on few pieces of advice to give to myself to kick off a grand 2023. Make no doubt it will be a positive year.

·      Take time to prioritize based on values and connect proactively with those that have those same values.

·      Just like value-based marketing and the new evolution of marketing, we need to make personal connections based on values. Plan to effectively intertwine those with the unique value proposition that makes us as professionals stand out. Continue to personalize business connections, never forgetting to show gratitude with every move. 

·     Positively invest in adult learning to fuel those creativity juices and energize us up.

·      The year will bring many changes to plans and agendas … that is one constant in life. Manage each of those changes with positivism. 

·      Focus positively on that picture, that outcome for the year, and monitor priorities. Be enthusiastically perseverant as part of your daily routine and proactively seek positivism in your day-to-day while instilling your personal values in your compelling value proposition.